A brown backpack with a world globe painted on the front on the floor next to a brick building.

Global Languages and Cultures Department

Study Abroad programs with a language focus

​The Global Languages and Cultures Department offers students the opportunity to enrich their educational and language experiences by studying one of our languages abroad. Students can take French classes in Paris, Japanese in Kyoto or Tokyo, Japan and Spanish in Salamanca, Spain. Credit is given for all coursework. 

For more details go to: https://www.elac.edu/academics/cgee




Contact Information for the Center for Global Education and Engagement, CGEE


Dept. Location: E3-181


Dr. Lynn Vogel-Zuiderweg
Email: CGEE@elac.edu

Dept. Location: E3-181

Dr. Norma Vega
Email: CGEE@elac.edu