
Welcome to Dance
The ELAC Dance Department is concerned with the dance training of anyone with any level of interest, ability, and skill in dance in order to help each student reach a functional performance level in dance. The ambassadors of Dance at ELAC, our Let’s Dance Company, has auditions every semester to place all levels of dancers in core technique courses, which significantly develop their skills in just two years. We provide an outstanding comprehensive curriculum for the student who aspires to become a professional dancer, or for the student who wants to complete a general education, or for someone who just wants to dance better throughout life.
Our S2 Dance Building houses two of the largest smart classrooms for dance technique classes in Southern California, and we also share a beautiful 350-seat recital hall in our building with Music. This state-of-the-art facility helps our dedicated faculty provide an exceptional, comprehensive curriculum for the dance student with any goals. Many of our Let’s Dance Company alumni are teaching dance in community services, recreation, and after school programs everywhere in our service area. Some of our dancers are dancing in Community Theater, on Cruise Lines, and even on Broadway! The ELAC Dance Department has performance opportunities each semester in the Recital Hall, in the community, and the Let’s Dance Company has even performed in European performance tours.