ELAC Offices

Public Safety Affiliation

Fees for Official Transcripts and Verifications:

Regular Service ($3 per copy):

  • Regular enrollment verification and/or transcript requests are processed within 10 college business days from time the request is received.
  • The first two copies of enrollment verification and/or transcripts are free of charge. If you wish to use the two free requests DO NOT order through online Parchment instead submit a hard copy Transcript/Verification Request directly to Admissions and Records.

Official LACCD Transcripts:

If you completed courses at other LACCD colleges all courses will appear on one transcript. It is recommended you order the transcript from the last college attended.

Online: Order and Track through Parchment Credentials. Processing time is up to 10 college business days.

Mail: Mail the Transcript Request form along with the payment through U.S. postal mail. DO NOT SEND CASH. Make checks or money orders payable to East Los Angles College.

Email: the Transcript Request form to @email. You must use your LACCD email to submit the request or attach a copy of a state issued ID.

  • Add on Services for Transcript Requests:
    • CSU/IGETC Certification - allow for additional 5 day processing time
    • Hold for Final Grades - request will be held until all grades have posted this may require additional processing time. Hold for final grade requests are accepted only during finals week.

Delivery Methods:

Electronic: If your institution is part of the eTranscript California, they will be sent through electronic submission. You may verify participation by clicking on the https://www.etranscriptca.org/colleges-online

Email: If your institution/organization is not receiving electronic transcripts through eTranscript California but your institution accepts email secure transcripts they will be sent through Parchment. You will need to provide the institutions email when placing your order.

Mail: If neither of the two methods above are options for your institution/organization they will be mailed through United States Postal Service. The US postal service is experiencing an unprecedented volume increase and mail delays due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unofficial Transcripts are available online through the Student Information System (SIS). There is no fee for viewing and printing unofficial transcripts. The following information will be required to access the SIS system:

LACCD 9 digit Student Identification Number (SIN) or Social Security Number.

Verification of Attendance and Degree

Verify your current enrollment, degrees or professional certifications and/or past attendance.

Online: Order and Track through Parchment Credentials. Processing time is up to 10 college business days.

Mail: Mail the Verification of Enrollment along with the payment through U.S. postal mail. DO NOT SEND CASH. Make checks or money orders payable to East Los Angles College.

Email: the Verification of Enrollment to @email. You must use your LACCD email to submit the request or attach a copy of a state issued ID.

East Los Angeles College Attention: Admissions and Records Office
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez
Monterey Park CA 91754

The following information is required when requesting enrollment verification and/or transcript:

  • LACCD Student ID Number and/or Social Security Number
  • Complete current and previous names used
  • Date of Birth
  • Dates of Attendance (From and To)
  • Contact Information (address, phone number and email)
