Coronavirus Update

Cleared4 Access/Vaccination Upload
You should have received a message from Cleared4 from the following email address and with the subject line:
Welcome to LACCD’s Vaccination and Testing Site
This is a valid message from Cleared4 that provided you with a unique link to the Cleared4 website. Do not share or forward your link to others.
Click the embedded link and create an account. If you do not see the message in your regular inbox, look in your junk or spam folders. This same message was also sent via a text message to your mobile phone if the District has your cell number on file.
If you did not receive the Cleared4 link, or deleted it, please contact Cleared4 Help Desk at: @email.
We have also posted a new Frequently Asked Questions list online to help you with this process.
As soon as possible after you have created your account, schedule an appointment through your account to complete your initial COVID-19 test, regardless of your current vaccination status. You may schedule your COVID-19 PCR test for any available time at any of the nine colleges or District office.
- ALL students must complete their initial, baseline COVID-19 test ONLY THROUGH Biocept/Cleared4.
- ALL students, regardless of vaccination status, can get tested weekly through Biocept as an extra safety measure at no out-of-pocket cost.
As soon as possible after you have created your account, schedule an appointment through your account to complete your initial COVID-19 test, regardless of your current vaccination status. You may schedule your COVID-19 PCR test for any available time at any of the nine colleges or District office.
- ALL students must complete their initial, baseline COVID-19 test ONLY THROUGH Biocept/Cleared4.
- ALL students, regardless of vaccination status, can get tested weekly through Biocept as an extra safety measure at no out-of-pocket cost.
- COVID-19 Medical Exemption: A COVID-19 Medical Exemption Form is available online at the portal. Download a copy of the form—and upload it when completed—at the portal by using the “COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption” tile and follow the prompts. Once you have successfully uploaded the completed form, you will receive a confirmation email within two days.
- COVID-19 Religious Exemption: Log on to the portal, click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption” tile and follow the prompts. Once you have successfully submitted the religious attestation form, you will receive a confirmation email within two days.
- NOTE: Students with an approved medical or religious vaccination exemption must undergo weekly COVID-19 PCR testing through Biocept following the process described above. Only tests administered by CLEARED4 will be accepted as proof of compliance. If you need further assistance with the exemption forms, contact your home college’s Office of Student Services.
until further notice, in accordance with Board Policy 2800 and regardless of vaccination status, all employees, students and visitors must correctly wear a mask or facial covering over their nose and mouth when indoors at any LACCD College or District building.
Regardless of your vaccination status or most current COVID-19 test, all students must complete the short, symptom self-check questionnaire for every day that you intend to be onsite at one of our colleges or District facilities prior to your arrival.
The District and the colleges will use the short, self-check health questionnaire provided by Cleared4. The questionnaire is accessible via any phone, tablet or laptop connected to the internet. You will receive a text or email reminder with a personal link to take the survey. If you have no technology available to you to complete the questionnaire, you must use the self-service station at your college’s Welcome Center before entering the rest of the campus.
You will receive a color-coded “Clear Pass” showing your approval to be onsite at the colleges or District facilities once you have uploaded the required documents as noted above, completed the new self-check questionnaire and have done a weekly test if you have an approved exemption. Your “Clear Pass” will be sent to your phone or smart device for display similar to a boarding pass for a flight or electronic ticket to a movie or concert.
All students may be required to show their Clear Pass to authorized personnel upon request.
Public Health officials agree that the best prevention against COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. For your safety and the safety of your family, friends, and LACCD colleagues, the District urges you to get vaccinated now.
Corona Virus Announcements
November 22, 2021
As you prepare to register for your Spring 2022 classes, please read the following information. To view your registration appointment date, log on to and click on the “Manage Classes” tile followed by the “Enrollment Dates” tab on the left side. If no enrollment date is available, you may register for classes when open enrollment starts.
As the rate of community transmission of COVID-19 continues to decline in Los Angeles County, the nine LACCD colleges were cleared to offer limited on campus instruction and support services this spring. A new class search filter “In Person” was added to the online search for classes’ page to make it easier to register for in-person, ground classes.
The LACCD Board of Trustees recently approved a “COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Requirement” that states:
Vaccination and Testing Requirements
As a condition to physically accessing any District building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor setting, all District students shall present proof that they have been fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) unless exempt for medical or religious reasons.
Students who are granted a medical or religious exemption shall undergo regular testing for COVID-19 infection and shall produce proof of negative COVID-19 test results.
The LACCD has contracted with BioCept and Cleared4 to administer the COVID19 PCR test and to maintain the COVID-19 vaccination records for all students.
Prior to enrolling in in-person or hybrid classes (taught both in-person and online) students must create a Cleared4 account and do one of the following:
1. Present proof you have been fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19);
2. Request a vaccination exemption for medical/religious reasons and undergo regular, weekly testing for COVID-19 infection. Medical/religious exempt students must start testing one-week before the class begins.
Students that will be only be taking online courses, without plans to visit campus for in-person services or in-person classes, may postpone vaccination requirements until they need to visit any LACCD campuses.
Please check your school email, click the “Outlook-Mail” tile on the homepage, for a message from Cleared4 from the following email address and with the subject line:
Welcome to LACCD’s Vaccination and Testing Site
Click the embedded link and create an account. Upload your medical insurance card and your Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccination Card or other electronic COVID-19 vaccination record. If you do not have medical insurance,
write the following statement on a blank piece of paper: "I, (insert first name, last name and date of birth) attest that I do not have medical insurance." Upload the document to the Cleared4 account when prompted for medical insurance card information.
To request a medical/religious vaccination exemption, click the “COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption” tile on the homepage and follow the prompts. You will receive a confirmation email within two days with further instruction.
If you did not receive the Cleared4 link, please contact Cleared4 Help Desk at @email
If your Cleared4 account has been deactivated and you want to enroll in inperson or hybrid classes in Spring 2022, please send an email to . Your account will be reactivated within 24 hours.
Informational videos and other guides are available under the “Key Links & Help” tile to help you with common concerns (ex. how to locate an instructor’s email, requesting a permission number for closed classes, Get Started in Canvas, How to Submit a Vaccination Exemption etc.). You will also find the telephone numbers and email addresses to the nine LACCD College’s Student Support Centers to reach a college agent.
For additional assistance please contact us through Freshdesk:
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 792-1221
ELAC Student Services
Corona Virus Announcements
LACCD Cleared4 Deadline Extended
October 15th 2021
Effective immediately, the District is providing a grace period for compliance with the vaccine mandate, Board Policy 2900.
Employees have until 5 p.m., Wednesday, November 3, 2021 to provide proof of vaccination or submit an exemption, and complete a baseline test.
Students have until 5 p.m., Friday, November 19, 2021 to provide proof of vaccination or submit an exemption, and complete a baseline test.
Do not delay! This grace period provides adequate time to:
- create and complete your Cleared4 account
- upload your proof of CDC or WHO-compliant vaccination
- provide all other required information
- schedule your initial onboarding COVID-19 test.
All accounts previously deactivated due to lack of compliance or inactivity have been reactivated. Use the original unique link sent to you on or about September 7, 2021 to finish creating your account.
If you need your link re-sent to you or you are having any issues with your account contact Cleared4 Help Desk immediately at @email.
Emails sent to you by Cleared4 come from “@email.” These are legitimate emails. Read them and respond accordingly before deleting them. You must work directly with Cleared4 about your account. Do not waste valuable time contacting the District. Due to the volume of last-minute requests, it might take Cleared4 up to 48 hours or longer to respond to your request.
If you currently are, or plan to be, in person at any District college or facility, for any reason whatsoever, you must comply with the baseline testing with Biocept as part of this process. Tests are free; there is no out-of-pocket expense to you, but your health insurance will help cover the cost of the test. There are no exceptions.
- Fully Vaccinated: You only need to do the baseline test once before the grace period expires.
- Fully Vaccinated AND approved to work fully remote OR enrolled in classes in a fully remote environment: You may delay the baseline test until your in-person status changes.
- Approved Exemption AND will be in person, onsite: You must test weekly with Biocept, scheduling weekly appointments through your Cleared4 account. You may test at any LACCD college or the District Educational Services Center.
The filing period to upload completed forms regarding medical or religious exemptions is also now extended through the grace period. Both the employee and student portals are reactivated for the forms.
Employees may access the Vaccination Exemption Request Forms for medical or religious reasons by going to the Employee Portal ( ). Navigate to the “Covid Exemption Form” and following the instructions or other prompts. The only exemption requests to be considered are through the SAP portal.
Employees with approved exemptions agree to comply with the weekly testing requirement if they are in an on-campus assignment. Employees are required to communicate with Human Resources if there is a concern regarding their status.
Students may access the Vaccination Exemption Request Forms by going to the Student Portal ( ). Navigate to the COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption tile and follow the prompts. Select either the Medical or Religious Exemption Request.
Employees with questions may contact Human Resources at @email
Students with questions may contact the Student Services Office at their home college.
ADA or Return-to-Work issues may or may not be related to COVID-19 and compliance with Board Policy 2900.
Employees must contact the District’s Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for ADA and/or Return-to-Work issues, and do so immediately if related to Board Policy 2900
Students must contact college DSPS/OSS office for ADA issues.
Go to the District’s COVID-19 webpage and to the most recent Frequently Asked Questions list.
Video links to the recent series of Chancellor Town Halls include:
Corona Virus Announcements
LACCD FAQ and Cleared4 Account Deadline
October 8th 2021
All students and employees must create a profile on Cleared4 and submitted a baseline COVID-19 test and vaccination information.
You should have received an email from @email with a personalized link to set up your profile. If you have not received this email or have any questions regarding setting up your Cleared4 profile contact the Cleared4 Help Desk by email at @email.
In accordance with LACCD Board Policy 2900 all District employees are required to take a baseline COVID-19 test and present proof that they have been fully vaccinated against the SARS- CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) unless exempt for medical or religious reasons by October 18th, 2021.
You can view a detailed FAQ on vaccinations and testing here and for all LACCD COVID-19 updates visit their website.
Corona Virus Announcements
September 8, 2021
Vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 on campus for the Fall 2021 semester.
- Vaccinations are available at the ELAC Health Center
- Monday,Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Testing is available at the Math Lab located in building G5 Room LL009
- Wednesday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Corona Virus Announcements
September 2, 2021
LOS ANGELES–The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees approved revisions to its Board Policy 2900, adopted a month ago, to now require that all District employees and students must either be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus or get regularly tested as a condition of employment and/or to access District property in person. The changes were approved by the Board at its September 1, 2021 regularly scheduled meeting.
The Board Policy does not prevent anyone from enrolling, attending or working at the District’s nine colleges or other facilities due to their vaccination status, but will help create safer in-person learning and workplace environments for students and District employees. Extensive outreach to employees and students will now begin to advise them of the changes, the new requirements and deadline for compliance.
As announced at the Board meeting, employees will have until October 18, 2021 to get fully vaccinated or provide a medical or religious exemption for approval by the District and have a baseline COVID-19 test. Any person with a District-approved exemption must still be tested at least weekly. All LACCD students who intend to be onsite, in person at any college or District facility must follow the same process.
The policy, as revised and approved, now states:
As a condition of employment and a condition to physically accessing any District building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor setting, all District employees shall present proof that they have been fully vaccinated against the SARSCoV-2 virus (COVID-19) unless exempt for medical or religious reasons.
As a condition to physically accessing any District building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor setting, all District students shall present proof that they have been fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) unless exempt for medical or religious reasons.
Employees and students who are granted a medical or religious exemption shall undergo regular testing for COVID-19 infection and shall produce proof of negative COVID-19 test results.
The District is working with a vendor to coordinate testing sites and operating schedules at all nine colleges that are expected to open in about two weeks. The vendor will provide testing and a secured database for the results.
All employees will need to obtain a baseline test no later than October 18, 2021. All students who intend to be in person at any of the colleges or District facilities must do the same. Employees and students who are fully vaccinated will then be able to upload their valid COVID-19 vaccination information. Once the vaccination information or a negative test is uploaded and verified, they will receive a “QR” code for display on a mobile smart device to show their eligibility to access the colleges or District facilities.
In addition to compliance with the revised Board Policy 2900, until further notice:
- All students, employees and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, must wear masks or facial coverings while inside any college building or District facility.
- All persons planning to visit a campus or District facility must complete the symptom self-check prior to every day they intend to be onsite.
“We are following the science and the recommendations of our leading public health officials that vaccinations are the best tool to end this pandemic,” LACCD Board of Trustees President Steve Veres said. “We care about our employees and our students and their safety is our top priority.”
LACCD students continue to be eligible to receive up to $150 in incentives from the Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges to get vaccinated thanks to a generous grant donated by the Kaiser Permanente Foundation. More than 1,000 students have been vaccinated and have applied for the incentive. The incentive will remain available until the grant funding is fully distributed.
Corona Virus Announcements
August 26, 2021
This is the most current list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) for use by all District employees and students.
The FAQ applies to all and is current as of August 26, 2021. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the County’s Health Orders and other related requirements, this FAQ is subject to revision and additions.
The FAQ will be posted online to the District’s COVID-19 webpages, accessible here or by using the link: Please be sure to regularly check the online links as that will be your on-going source for additional questions and answers or other updated information related to the pandemic.
LACCD colleges and District facilities are under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, (LACDPH) regarding Health Orders and safety requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is your responsibility to read, understand and follow the Health Orders posted online at LACDPH website:
Currently, all employees and students must complete the symptom self-check questionnaire for every day they intend to be in person, onsite, at any college or District facility. The questionnaire needs to be completed prior to arrival for LACCD to use the information for contact tracing purposes.
In addition:
- All persons must properly wear masks or facial coverings when inside at any college building or District facility, regardless of vaccination status, per Board Policy 2800 that was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 4, 2021. The Board Policy aligns the District with the prevailing LACDPH Health Orders.
- All personnel must also complete a COVID-19 Safety Training video course (about 60 minutes) regardless of their status to work onsite or remotely. All employees must complete the training now. Faculty (only) have until September 30, 2021 to complete it. A safety training requirement for students is also in place, and will be assigned to students through Canvas. Students also must complete the training by September 30, 2021.
No. Vaccination status and testing results are confidential medical information. The District is currently developing a process to obtain and protect the confidentiality of vaccination and testing information for all employees and students. This work is being done to provide the operational process for Board Policy 2900 that was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 4, 2021. More information about the process to provide vaccination and testing information will be available as quickly as possible.
You can tell your students, effective immediately, until further notice:
- Everybody must wear masks indoors at all public buildings, including at all LACCD colleges and District facilities, per county Health Orders and Board Policy 2800
- Masks or facial coverings must be properly worn to cover the nose and mouth
- Everybody must complete the LACCD symptom self-check questionnaire prior to arrival for every day that they intend to be in person onsite at a college or District facility
- Everybody must read and follow the prevailing Health Orders from LACDPH
You can remind your students:
- Get vaccinated as soon as possible
- All students who get vaccinated after July 1, 2021 are eligible to receive up to $150 for getting vaccinated through the Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges application found on the LACCD student portal
- If you are sick for any reason, stay home
- If you have any COVID-19 symptoms you should home quarantine, contact your doctor or healthcare provider and get tested
- Go online to the LACDPH website for detailed information about COVID-19
- Regularly check their student email account for important updates regarding COVID-19 testing and/or providing proof of vaccination.
- You can also share that the District intends to require proof of vaccination status and/or a current negative COVID-19 as soon as plans to fully implement Board Policy 2900 are finalized in September 2021.
Everybody must complete the self-check questionnaire prior to arrival at a college or District facility for every day that they intend to be onsite. LACCD must track and report COVID-19 cases to LACDPH for contact tracing and notifications of positive cases, exposures and possible clusters or outbreaks. To accomplish this, all District employees, students and visitors must complete a short self-check questionnaire for every day that they intend to be in person at the colleges or District facilities. The self-check questionnaire can be completed on a mobile smart device or online prior to arrival. The questionnaire can be accessed from the free “SAFE” app per college that can be downloaded to any mobile device, or on the District’s website at All persons planning to go the District’s main offices at its Education Service Center can only use the website version of the self-check questionnaire.
As we prepare for a broader return to campus, it is essential that all LACCD faculty, staff, student workers and students complete new state-mandated COVID-19 Safety Training. This training is required of all state employers and employees, including those throughout the Los Angeles Community College District. Those who have previously completed other COVID-19 trainings will still need to complete this new training.
For faculty, training is offered through the Vision Resource Center. For students, training will be assigned through you Canvas Shell. All employees must complete the training now. Faculty (only) have until September 30, 2021 to complete it. A safety training requirement for students is also in place, and will be assigned to students through Canvas. Students also must complete the training by September 30, 2021.
Training is done online through the District portal, ( Start the COVID-19 Safety Training) and takes about 60 minutes to complete. You can complete the training during your regular work schedule.
To access your COVID-19 Safety Training, click on the link sent to you via email from LACCD HR. This link will first take you to the single sign-on page for LACCD. Here, you will use the same username and password that you use to log into your LACCD email account/Office 365. If you are having difficulties logging in, please contact your campus IT department.
Once you log in, you will be taken directly to the LACCD COVID-19 Safety Training within the Vision Resource Center (VRC). From here, click on Launch and work through the training, following the instructions throughout.
Once you complete the training, you may want to print a certificate for your records. To do this, hover over Learning and click on My Transcript. To view your Completed activities, select Completed from the drop down menu on the left side of your Transcript.
Next to the LACCD | Mandatory COVID-19 Safety Training, select View a Certificate from the drop-down menu. This will open a PDF that you can either download or print.
A tutorial video is also available to walk you through these steps and may address any questions you have about accessing the training. If you have questions about the training, please contact LACCD HR at @email.
Failure to follow the Board Policy could lead to progressive discipline for any employee. For students, it could be consider a violation of BP 5500, the Standards of Student Conduct. See also:
Yes. Exemptions to the mask/facial covering requirement are if a student has a valid medical exception currently on file in their college’s Disabled Student Programs and Services / Office of Special Services (DSPS/OSS) office, such as a medical condition, including mental health or disability, that prevents wearing a mask, or, for students who are hearing impaired or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication. There are no political or religious exemptions to the mask/facial coverings requirements.
To facilitate sign-language use inside the classroom, faculty and sign-language interpreters may remove their face covering for instruction purposes only. In such cases, faculty and interpreters must maintain six feet of distance from all others in the classroom. Should any student have an approved exemption from wearing a mask/face covering, they must also maintain six feet of distance from all others.
Eating is class is prohibited. Drinking water for hydration or medical reasons is allowed, but no food and drink are allowed under any circumstances in computer labs. Students or faculty can briefly lower masks or facial coverings to drink water, but masks or facial coverings must be returned immediately to cover the nose and mouth when done.
There are some and this could change. Currently, masking outdoors is not required by LACDPH Health Orders, except when attending large outdoor events of 10,000 or more people. However, it is recommended that all unvaccinated persons continue to wear a mask or facial covering outdoors and for everyone to wear a mask outdoors if you intend to be near other people whose vaccination status is unknown by you for more than 15 minutes.
Thank the student for letting you know and that their absence is excused. Tell them to stay home, quarantine per the County Health Orders, seek the advice of their doctor or a healthcare provider. They cannot come back to campus until they have tested negative for COVID-19 or have a clearance from a doctor or healthcare provider.
Immediately notify your direct supervisor AND your campus safety officer. Your supervisor and your safety officer will notify the college’s Office of the President. The President’s office and your college safety officer will work with the District Safety Officer for reporting purposes and contact tracing.
If a student tests positive and was on site during their infectious period* make sure the student does not come onto site, and tell them to stay in isolation for 10 days, or until they are cleared by their medical provider or the County Department of Public Health. This may go beyond 10 days if the person has certain persistent symptoms.
Immediately notify your direct supervisor AND your campus safety officer with your student information. Your supervisor and your safety officer will notify your President’s office for contact tracing and notification. The President’s office will send notifications to anyone who may have been in close contact.
If the class was exposed, or we cannot rule out exposure, the class will be sent home and testing is recommended for all within three to five days (3-5) days of when the exposure occurred.
If you were in close contact with the student within six feet for more than 15 minutes, stay home and get tested, also within three to five (3-5) days of exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
(*Infectious period is 2 days prior to onset of symptoms or 2 days prior to testing positive, and during the isolation period. Within 2-14 days of the exposure.)
Please give all consideration to our students during this pandemic.
All LACCD personnel and students are required to report any COVID-19 incidents to their immediate supervisor or instructor as soon as possible for contact tracing purposes.
Your President’s office, or designee, will carry out contact tracing and send out notifications where deemed necessary. Exposed students and employees should test for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms or vaccination status, and inform the college of test results. This will determine the extent of disease spread on campus and serve as a basis for further control measures.
Exposed students and employees must self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms for 10 days from their last contact with the positive case while infectious (as defined above). If you remain asymptomatic, you are released from quarantine after Day 10, but must continue to monitor your health and adhere to COVID-19 prevention precautions through Day 14.
Asymptomatic people who are fully vaccinated AND who are a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case may undergo a modified quarantine under certain conditions. They should test three to five (3-5) days following the date of last exposure. Until the person receives a negative test result, they must adhere to modified quarantine for the full 10 days. If they decline to test, they must follow this modified quarantine for 10 days after their date of exposure and continue to monitor their symptoms for days 11-14.
If the person receives a negative test result from a specimen collected within three to five (3-5) days after their exposure, they are released from the modified quarantine at that time.
The District also maintains a COVID-19 Hotline: (213) 221-5112 and email @email that is monitored daily. If you believe you are sick from, or have symptoms of, COVID-19, read the LACDPH health information online.
Yes. Asymptomatic people who are fully vaccinated AND who are a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case may undergo a modified quarantine under certain conditions. They should test three to five (3 to 5) days following the date of last exposure. Until you receive a negative test result, you must adhere to modified quarantine for the full 10 days.
If the person declines to test, they must follow this modified quarantine for 10 days after their date of exposure and continue to monitor their symptoms days 11-14. If the person receives a negative test result from a specimen collected three to five (3-5) days after their exposure, they are released from the modified quarantine at that time.
If you are sick, or test positive, stay home. Stay in regular contact with your doctor or healthcare provider. All LACCD personnel and students are required to report any COVID-19 incidents to immediate supervisor and campus safety officer and, for students, to immediate contact their instructor for contact tracing purposes. Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace information from the county is posted here.
The District also maintains a COVID-19 Hotline: (213) 221-5112 and email address at @email that are monitored daily.
Additional information from the county is available here about COVID-19.
If you are living with someone who has tested positive, you will need to work remotely or can use your emergency paid leave. Be sure to contact your doctor or healthcare provider, get tested and monitor for symptoms. Be sure to stay in contact with your immediate supervisor about your status.
Please report your positive test to immediately to your direct supervisor and the college safety officer. Contact your department chair or dean to determine options to cover your class.
If you are sick for any reason, stay home. Do not come to campus. Contact your department chair and/or dean to go over options to cover your class. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider for direction and make arrangements to get a COVID-19 test, self-monitor for symptoms.
The college runs regular reports to monitor compliance with the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Check questionnaire. You should remind all students in all of your classes to complete the questionnaire prior to coming onsite at any college or District facility.
Currently, testing can be done by your doctor or healthcare provider, or by using the County’s testing location website. As part of the plans to enforce Board Policy 2900, the District is working to provide free testing and testing sites at the colleges. Additional information will be sent out to all as quickly as possible. Additional information on vaccines can be found here.
Vaccines are free and available to anyone ages 12 and older at hundreds of locations throughout Los Angeles County. Most locations no longer require an appointment and many offer more than one type of vaccine. Go to the LACDPH website and then click on the “How to Get Vaccinated“ tab to find a location or request an in-home vaccination.
If you need help, you can call the County’s Vaccine Call Center toll free at (833) -540- 0473. The call center is open every day, 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. They can help arrange for free transportation to a vaccination site or assist with an in-home vaccination appointment. Vaccine information in multiple languages is also available 24/7 by calling 2-1-1.
You can also use the statewide “My Turn” vaccination site, to find a nearby clinic and many retail pharmacies allow you to make appointments directly with them. No one will be asked to pay for a vaccine, however, some clinics may ask you to provide your medical insurance information if available. You cannot be denied a vaccine for not having medical insurance or for not providing insurance information.
Yes. There are medical and religious exemptions.
On August 23, 2021, the FDA took action to approve the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for regular use, not just for emergency conditions. The action allows for more widespread use of the vaccination and the likely expansion of vaccine mandates, including by the LACCD Board of Trustees if the Board wishes to revise BP2900.
Currently, yes. Vaccination status does not prevent anyone from enrolling, working at or attending any of the colleges or District facilities, but that may change with revisions to Board policies.
If you are stressed, depressed or need to talk to someone about anything, use the information below about contacting the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, available 24/7. Please also consider sharing this same information with your students.
CALL: (800) 854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741.
Go online to:
District employees can also utilize the Employee Assistance Program. Talk to your immediate supervisor and/or visit the District webpages online at ARFLbenefits.aspx
Public health officials at the federal, state and local levels agree the vaccines work extremely well, including against the Delta and other variants to prevent infection and death. Once fully vaccinated, the vaccines also can significantly reduce severe illness and hospitalization for those who might get a post-vaccination infection.
You are considered to be fully vaccinated two (2) weeks after getting your J&J vaccine (single dose) or after a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. It is possible to get infected while the vaccine is taking effect, so it is important that you continue to protect yourself against COVID-19 for the full two weeks.
Once you are fully vaccinated, there is still a small risk that you could get infected. This is considered a “post vaccination infection” more commonly called by the news media as a breakthrough infection. The good news is that vaccinated people who do get infected often don’t get as sick as unvaccinated people. Their symptoms, if any, don’t last as long and they usually do not require hospitalization.
The District is closely monitoring the situation and will share updated information as soon as possible. Currently, both the White House and the FDA are indicating that people should get a booster shot at about eight (8) months after they were fully vaccinated. Recent information provided by the pharmacy companies indicates this is true for all three of the vaccines. Continue to stay alert to news media reports and updates by the LACDPH. The District will share other information as quickly as possible.
The medical science has been clear that getting vaccinated is the best protection against infection and death caused by COVID-19. Masking and social distancing are also important tools to help stop the community spread of this pandemic, but the vaccines prevent infections and the ability of the virus to mutate.
Only a small number of authorized LACCD Human Resources employees will have access to your COVID-19 proof of vaccination or COVID-19 test results. This information will be stored in a secured database and will only be used to grant or deny you a daily access the colleges or District facilities. Any employee or student who tests positive will activate the established reporting, contact tracing and notification processes.
The District is currently working with a company called Biocept to administer COVID-19 tests at the nine LACCD colleges. Details on testing processes and procedures are being finalized now.
LACCD is working with Biocept to provide on-campus testing for employees and students on a rotating basis at the nine colleges and District facilities. Employees and students will receive an email with a link to register and schedule for testing. More details will be announced as soon as possible.
LACCD’s testing partner, Biocept, will be offering PCR (nasal swab) testing on site.
Corona Virus Announcements
LACCD Updated Safety Advisory
August 19, 2021
Dear ELAC Faculty and Staff,
Please note the following protocols for reporting COVID-19 exposure incidents. Also please review the definitions for Positive, suspected, close contact, and exposure.
Positive: Those who have a positive test result.
Suspected: Those who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms.
Close Contact: A “close contact” refers to any of the following people who were exposed to a patient with presumed or confirmed COVID-19 (“patient”) while they were infectious:
- An individual who was within six (6) feet of the patient for a total of 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period.
- An individual who had unprotected contact with the patient’s body fluids and/or secretions, for example, being coughed or sneezed on, sharing utensils or saliva, or providing care without wearing appropriate protective equipment.
Exposure: those who have been exposed to positive or symptomatic individuals and who have been in close contact.
Reporting Protocols for LACCD Employees: Any LACCD employee who receives a communication from another individual (employee or student) who reports a COVID-19 incident relating to testing positive, testing positive for antibodies, suspected COVID-19 based on CDC-published symptoms, or exposure to individuals/situations of COVID-19 infection, must immediately report the incident to their respective College President (or DivisionHead as appropriate) with the student’s LACCD identification number. If the individual is an employee include the full name of the employee and the employee’s work location. If the communication was through email/Canvas, please forward that communication as well. The attached contact tracing form must be filled out and sent to Vice President Myeshia Armstrong (@email) and the President's Office (@email) within 24 hours of when a COVID-19 incident was reported.
Initial Response to Person Reporting COVID-19 Symptoms: Please give the following information/instructions:
Initial Response to Person Reporting COVID-19 Exposure: Individuals who are known to have had CLOSE CONTACT (as described above) with a person presumed or confirmed to have COVID-19 are to be sent home immediately to self-monitor and quarantine for 10 days following the last contact with the person.
NOTE: Persons with a confirmed exposure who are either 1) fully vaccinated and have no symptoms OR 2) have already recovered from laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days are exempt from quarantining or testing for COVID-19. However, these persons should still self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days following the exposure.
Corona Virus Announcements
LACCD Updated Safety Advisory
July 21, 2021
To: All LACCD Employees
From: Mercedes C. Gutierrez, Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Division
Date: July 21, 2021
Please remember that wearing facial coverings and following all District Safety Advisories and current Health Orders from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health during the COVID-19 pandemic is mandatory.
Failure to comply with the District’s mandatory safety protocols can constitute insubordination and can result in progressive intervention/discipline, which can lead to dismissal. The County’s Health Orders clearly state that failure to comply is a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both (California Health and Safety Code Section 120295; Los Angeles County Code Section 11.02.080).
All District Safety Advisories are on the website at:
Report violations of the District’s Safety Advisories to the COVID-19 Hotline at (213) 221- 5112.
Your health and life, as well as the health, safety, and lives of your co-workers, family, friends, and students, depend on everybody following the basic protocols of using face coverings, frequent hand washing, social distancing, and quarantine/self-isolation when needed.
All full and part-time employees are directly accountable, including all approved volunteers of the District, for thoroughly reading and following all Safety Advisories. Speak directly with your supervisor if you are unclear about how to comply. If you need to access District facilities you must follow the approved screening and check-in processes and use Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). If you do not have PPE, contact your supervisor before arriving at any District property or college campus. The District will provide PPE to all employees/volunteers who work or volunteer at District sites.
The Human Resources Division has received prior reports of employees at the colleges who were observed not wearing facial coverings, inappropriately congregating and eating together without social distancing, riding in golf carts or other vehicles together, and committing other violations. Conduct such as this must not occur on District sites.
The rules are very simple:
- When in public wear a mask; wear a mask at all times while indoors at LACCD colleges, property and facilities
- Do not congregate with other people
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and water and/or use appropriate hand sanitizer
- The life you save could be yours AND another’s. Thank you.
Corona Virus Announcements
LACCD Update
November 17th, 2020
New cases of COVID-19 are surging in Los Angeles County, in much of California and throughout the United States. Direct from LA County Public Health: “Over the weekend, Public Health reported a total of 6,841 new cases; 3,780 new cases for Saturday and 3,061 new cases for Sunday. The County has not experienced daily numbers like this since late July, during the last surge that resulted in many people becoming very seriously ill and losing their lives to COVID-19.” On Monday—usually the day of the week with the lowest numbers reported—nearly 2,800 new cases were reported. We currently have had a total of nearly 343,000 cases and 7,300 deaths since the pandemic began in March. The new cases are putting a significant strain on hospitals and medical resources.
The Governors of California, Oregon and Washington last week jointly issued strong warnings against travel for the Thanksgiving Holiday next week. While certainly disappointing news for thousands of people, the messages from the West Coast were echoed by governors and mayors across the nation as “warning bells and whistles” are sounding on increase cases and the impact on hospitals to deal with the surge.
Newsom’s message can be found here. His warning is based on the statewide Health Advisory from the California Department of Public Health. The Health Advisory is effective immediately and remains valid until further notice, according to the state’s Health Department. The official Travel Advisory states:
Persons arriving in California from other states or Californians returning from other states or countries could increase the risk of COVID-19 spread. In addition, travel itself can be a risk for exposure to COVID-19, particularly travel through shared conveyance such as air, bus or rail travel.
Travel Advisory for Non-Essential Travel.
“Non-essential travel” includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature. “Essential travel” includes: work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health, immediate medical care, and safety and security.
Most of California has now returned to the Purple / Tier 1 Status of restrictions due to COVID-19 effective immediately per the Governor. The status change impacts business operations and public access to them. L.A. County has never gotten out of Tier 1 and now city, county and state officials say they are looking into even more restrictive curfews or other measures for L.A. County and elsewhere—stay alert and be prepared for those developments.
The State has now updated its guidance mandates that a face covering is required at all times when outside of the home. Some exceptions apply and the full 4-1-1 is here to read, please. Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings
Both Moderna and Pfizer say test results show effective rates exceeding more than 90 percent for their COVID-19 vaccines. (Moderna at nearly 95 percent and Pfizer more than 90 percent). The L.A. Times quoted Dr. Anthony Fauci saying the results are “truly striking.” Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious diseases expert, said the vaccines “are really the light at the end of the tunnel.” Good, and welcome news, to be sure, however, more testing is needed and mass quantities of any vaccine is still several months away for the general population. Distribution and other logistics remain and priority will be given to healthcare workers and the most vulnerable populations first.
Health Officials urge:
- Re-think your holiday plans and cancel any plans for travel outside the region in the coming weeks.
- If you plan to celebrate Thanksgiving with others not in your household, celebrate outdoors with only two other households and use social distancing for eating.
- Stay home as much as possible for the next two to three weeks, except for accessing essential services, especially older people and anyone with serious underlying health conditions. When possible, try to use delivery services for groceries and medicines.
- Wear masks and keep your distance both indoors and outdoors as much as possible.
- If you are positive or a close contact of someone who is positive, follow Public Health Orders to isolate or quarantine.
- If you have engaged in risky activities where you may have been exposed in a crowd with people who weren’t wearing masks and distancing, please self-quarantine for 14 days.
- Frequently wash or sanitize your hands.
- Practice safe handling for raw meats and poultry.
LACCD Safety Advisories
October 8th, 2020
Please be advised that the LACCD EOC Recovery Policy - Equipment Loan has been updated effective Oct. 6 and is posted online. Here is the link and it is also attached here as a PDF. Please be sure to read.
As a reminder, please, all of the Recovery Policies are posted online at:
September 11, 2020
Chancellor's Communication: Winter and Spring 2021
Dear LACCD Colleagues,
I am writing to provide an important announcement regarding the upcoming Winter session and Spring 2021 semester.
We remain in a declared public health emergency at the national, state and local level, and, given the current health orders, safety protocols and restrictions, our best health experts agree that we are still far from full recovery without a vaccine or responsive therapeutics.
Therefore, LACCD will deliver all classes for the Winter session and the Spring 2021 Semester in primarily remote/online learning environments for the remainder of the academic year.
We will continue to work with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to provide limited access, on-campus instruction for classes that support the Essential Infrastructure Workforce, but what can be taught remotely and online will remain so for both of these upcoming terms.
I appreciate the consultation with our District Academic Senate, our Faculty Guild, college presidents and senior administration, and support from our Board of Trustees that led to this decision.
August 17, 2020
INTRODUCTION The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has confirmed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) can move forward with on-campus instruction at its nine colleges to complete classes from the Spring 2020 Semester and for the Fall 2020 Semester that support California’s essential services workforce infrastructure. This means that only those students who are enrolled in such classes will be allowed to return to their respective college for limited, in-person instruction on or after July 27, 2020. The following are the safety requirements for the limited in-person instruction that students must follow to gain access to their colleges. This Safety Advisory supersedes a similar advisory issued only for Spring 2020 classes to now include Fall 2020.
August 17, 2020
INTRODUCTION The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has confirmed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) can move forward with on-campus instruction to complete classes from the Spring 2020 Semester and for the Fall 2020 Semester that supports California’s essential services workforce infrastructure. The following are the safety requirements for the limited in-person instruction that are planned on or after July 27, 2020. Faculty may want to include specific items as an addendum to their syllabus.
August 17, 2020
BACKGROUND The approval for limited in-person classes at the nine colleges and District facilities for Essential Services Workforce Infrastructure instruction has been finalized for Stage 3 Recovery for the Fall 2020 semester Hard to convert Fall 2020 and confirmed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. All District and college policies and practices for the return to on-campus instruction and access to the colleges and/or District facilities for such purposes must align with restrictions and guidelines for the health and safety of faculty, staff and students.
August 17, 2020
In order to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 at the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) colleges, satellite campus facilities and District facilities, the District is enforcing this Vehicle Curbside Pick Up and Drop-off Protocol, which is adopted from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Protocol for Vehicle-Based Parade published May 25, 2020. County Health Orders and Guidance are subject to change.
August 12, 2020
COVID-19 Continues to Spread in L.A. County; Colleges and Universities Must Continue Distance Learning
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced it will adhere to guidance from the California Department of Public Health, which recommends that counties with high levels of community transmission of COVID-19 limit the reopening of colleges and universities.
August 7, 2020
The following guidance has been developed to ensure consistency in PPE distribution
- Disposable face covering available to be distributed daily if student/employee fails to provide their own covering.
- Check-in personnel are required to wear a face covering and face shield at all times. Gloves to be distributed upon request.
July 23, 2020
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has confirmed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) can move forward with on-campus instruction at its nine colleges to complete classes from the Spring 2020 Semester that support California’s essential services workforce infrastructure. This means that a limited, predetermined number of students and faculty will have access to the nine colleges on or after July 27, 2020 until August 31, 2020. Accordingly, the LACCD Emergency Operations Center has established specified signage for use at the colleges and District facilities that directs students, faculty and employees on best practices for social distancing, facial coverings and other steps to reduce exposure to, and the spread of, the COVID-19 corona virus.
July 22, 2020
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has confirmed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) can move forward with on-campus instruction at its nine colleges to complete classes from the Spring 2020 Semester that support California’s essential services workforce infrastructure. This means that only those students who were enrolled in such classes will be allowed to return to their respective college for limited, in-person instruction on or after July 27, 2020. The following are the safety requirements for the limited in-person instruction that students must follow to gain access to their colleges.
July 21, 2020
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has confirmed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) can move forward with on-campus instruction to complete classes from the Spring 2020 Semester that supports California’s essential services workforce infrastructure. The following are the safety requirements for the limited in-person instruction that are planned on or after July 27, 2020. Faculty may want to include specific items as an addendum to their syllabus.
July 17, 2020
The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated under declared emergency situations to support the overall LACCD mission and the needs of the District’s nine colleges, including Los Angeles City College, East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, Los Angeles Valley College and West Los Angeles College.
July 17, 2020
The Safety Officer’s responsibilities are based on the basic concepts as outlined under FEMA’s National Incident Management System / Incident Command System (NIMS/ICS) ICS 100 Training, specifically that a Safety Officer “monitors incident operations and advises the Incident Commander on all matters relating to safety, including the health and safety of incident management personnel.”
July 17, 2020
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) is requiring all Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) to conduct symptom checks in order to restart classes on campus. This Safety Advisory, effective July 27, 2020, outlines the requirements for all LACCD personnel and students to follow in order to enter any LACCD college or facility.
July 7, 2020
The return of classes to in-person modalities for the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) will occur when allowed per current Health Orders from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, mostly likely during Stage 3 of the Los Angeles County Recovery Plan. All District and college policies and practices must align with restrictions and guidelines within that stage as a minimum standard for the safety of all faculty, students and staff. Bringing classes back to campus will be challenging and require coordination and resources.
June 22, 2020
Pandemic preparedness and response became a priority for both the United States and World Health Organization following the outbreak of the 1997 H5N1 virus. This Pandemic Plan was originally created as a result of that outbreak and has been periodically revised, including in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
June 15, 2020
The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) currently supports Child Development Centers (CDCs) at all nine colleges, including a Family Resource Center (FRC) at Los Angeles Valley College. This policy supports the re-opening of the CDCs and FRC in safe and healthy environments that will continue the mission of the CDCs and FRC while following all of the health, safety and economic guidelines set forth by the State of California, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and LACCD.
June 15, 2020
The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) and its nine colleges support athletics programs at each college, recognizing the value that these programs and sports activities bring to the student experience and with the understanding that athletics plays a key role in equity initiatives across the entire District.
June 15, 2020
There are five middle college high schools and/or high schools located on LACCD college property or District sites, including middle college high schools at Los Angeles Harbor College and Los Angeles Trade-Technical College; a middle college high school and a high school at Los Angeles Southwest College; and a high school at the Van de Kamp Innovation Center.
June 15, 2020
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the faculty, staff and unclassified employees of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) have been working from home or other remote locations for the continuation of academic and business operations.
June 15, 2020
Many of the nine colleges of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), as well as District-operated facilities, engage with outside groups, organizations, businesses or other enterprises to conduct both non-profit and for-profit activities on District property and the college campuses.
June 15, 2020
In order to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 at the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) colleges, satellite campus facilities and District facilities, the District is enforcing this Vehicle Curbside Pickup and Drop-off Protocol, which is adopted from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Protocol for Vehicle-Based Parade published May 25, 2020:
June 5, 2020
In order to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the Los Angeles Community College District, including the nine (9) colleges and all District property, the District is enforcing these Protocols for Reporting COVID-19 Exposure Incidents. These reporting protocols will assist all LACCD employees who are contacted by individuals who report COVID-19 health concerns regarding:
April 28, 2020
Effective: May 1, 2020
No on-campus activities/events will be available at any of the nine LACCD colleges, including City, East, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade-Tech, Valley and West, plus the ELAC South Gate Campus, the Van de Kamp Innovation Center, Mission’s Sunland-Tujunga Satellite and the District Office. There will be no gatherings of more than two (2) people and those people are expected to exercise social distancing of at least six (6) feet apart.
April 27, 2020
Hello Students,
We hoped you found the newsletter helpful as it has a multitude of resources. It can be found on the front page of our newsletter. Please remember to check your Student Information System (SIS) portal. You can apply for laptop and food cards through your portal. Remember to go back and check for the status of any scholarships or awards. If you need to contact your professor there is a directory on our website with their phone number. We also have several more messages and resources to share with you.
April 17, 2020
In order to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 among the Los Angeles Community District’s facilities and colleges, including satellite campus facilities and the District’s Educational Services Center, the District is enforcing this Essential Worker Social Distancing Protocol, which is adopted from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Social Distancing Guide published April 6, 2020 online at:
News Media Contact: William H. Boyer, Director of Communications, (213) 891-2247 office | @email
Spring Semester, Summer Session Updates; Pass, No Pass Info Announced
LOS ANGELES–Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Chancellor Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D., today announced that in response to the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency, the District’s Spring 2020 classes at all nine colleges will continue in remote platforms for the remainder of the semester currently scheduled to end June 8, 2020. Summer session classes scheduled to begin June 15, 2020, as well as student support services and most of the District’s business operations, will be conducted in similar remote environments.
April 9, 2020
Safety Advisory - Use of Cloth Face Coverings in Public to Reduce COVID-19 Exposure
In order to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the City of Los Angeles, a “Public Order under City of Los Angeles Emergency Authority” was issued on April 7, 2020. This “Worker Protection Order” provides instruction to the City’s essential workers that are engaged in “non-medical” activities to wear “non-medical grade cloth face coverings”, which should help curb the spread of COVID-19, by preventing the transmission of respiratory droplets (aerosols) that may contain the virus.
April 03, 2020
The California College Student Emergency Support Fund has launched to give one-time $500 hardship grants to students. Administered by Mission Asset Fund (MAF), the Fund is a statewide philanthropic response to address emergency needs for the state’s low-income college students, including undocumented immigrants, foster youth, and those who are housing insecure.
Please refer to the following PDFs for information about eligibility and signing up.
April 03, 2020
COVID-19 Testing is now available. Please refer to the testing information provided by the City of Los Angeles and visit the following link for more information about scheduling a test.
Information about COVID-19 Testing
For the moment, these tests are strictly limited to residents of Los Angeles County who are in the most high-risk categories and most vulnerable.
Individuals eligible for testing at this time include:
- Those with symptoms who are 65 and older
- Those with symptoms who have underlying chronic health conditions
- Those who are subject to a mandatory 14 day quarantine period due to a confirmed COVID-19 exposure (with more than 7 days of quarantine remaining)
March 25, 2020
Guide to Access the Laptop Application for LACCD Students
From within the LACCD SIS Application:
1. Click Key Links & Help”, then “Scholarship”.

2. On the LACCD Foundation Page, click “Login Here”

3. Click on the “Laptop Application” and complete.

These steps have been tested from mobile phones and verified that they work.
March 24, 2020
LACCD announces all classes that cannot be moved online will be postponed to May 4, 2020; early withdrawal, refund info for students announced
LOS ANGELES–Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez announced today any class at all nine colleges, plus the South Gate Campus and the Van de Kamp Learning Center, that cannot be converted into an online learning platform for the onset of remote instruction March 30 will be temporarily postponed until at least May 4, 2020.
March 24, 2020
Procedural Change: When faculty visits any LACCD college campus there will be only one entrance and one parking lot or structure to park in. This will allow for increased efficiency when it comes to monitoring those who belong on campus, increased security and will make it even safer for each of you.
Entry/Exit Point: East LA College Faculty will park on the first level of Parking Structure 4 only off of Floral Drive. All other parking levels will be closed, along with all other public parking on campus. Signs and barriers will be posted throughout campus blocking public access to other public parking areas.
What To Expect: When you drive up towards the parking area, you can expect to see a Sheriff’s employee. While being mindful of social distancing, he/she will ask you a series of questions they will be writing down to track personnel on campus (i.e. your name, which building you will be in, how long you estimate your visit to last, etc). This Sheriff’s employee will also be logging when you leave. You can always contact ELAC Sheriff’s Station at 323-265-8800.
Dates and Times of Access: Until further notice, college campus access for faculty to retrieve their instructional materials will be between 7am-5pm, Monday-Friday and closed on weekends. The only exceptions are essential campus staff (i.e. Custodial Staff, Facilities Maintenance, Admin. Staff, etc.).

March 22, 2020
Dear East Los Angeles College Community,
Today, Sunday, March 22, 2020, we received confirmation of an ELAC student who tested positive on March 21, 2020 for COVID-19. The student reported feeling possible symptoms the week prior and was tested on Thursday, March 19. The student is in quarantine and reported to us to be doing well and is recovering. We are doing all we can to support the student during this time.
Out of an abundance of caution and guidance from public health protocols, all faculty and staff at East Los Angeles College who were previously scheduled to be on campus Monday, March 23 are now directed to work from home unless first contacted by their direct supervisor to report, as part of the college’s essential functions team. All faculty and staff who are already working remotely should continue to do so.
The student appears to have been exposed to the virus while at UCLA sometime during the week of March 8. According to the student, they were last at the ELAC campus 10 days ago on March 12—from approximately 7:30 a.m. to 11a.m. in G5-103 room with computers and may have also visited F5-Bookstore.
We are in the process of notifying other students and faculty who may have had direct contact with the student during this time. In addition, we will close G5 and the Student Store until further notice for cleaning and sanitization.
We wanted to share this information with you as quickly as possible for your protection and to help reduce rumors or false information. We will continue to keep you informed for any other developments.
We will do all that we can to help any of our students, faculty and staff who become ill during this pandemic emergency.
We urge everyone to follow the “Safer At Home” orders from California Gov. Newsom and our local public health officials. Even at home, always practice good hygiene. If you are sick, immediately call your doctor or healthcare provider for advice before going to a hospital or urgent care.
The best source of public health information is available from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. We will also continue to update our official Districtwide corona virus website at
Again, if you are sick, or if you believe you have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, please contact your primary healthcare provider as soon as possible. If you do test positive, you need to call the ELAC Office of the President immediately at (323) 265-8662
Thank you.
Raúl Rodríguez, Ph.D.

March 19, 2020
Dear LACCD Colleagues,
Late this afternoon, the Health Officer from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, in conjunction with the top elected leaders for Los Angeles County, the Cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena and Long Beach, gave the order for all residents within the County of Los Angeles to stay home until April 19, 2020. California Governor Gavin Newsom also announced this evening that “Safer at Home” orders are now expanded statewide until further notice.
Effective immediately, I am directing that all LACCD faculty, staff and students to follow the “Safer At Home” health orders issued today to limit the community spread of COVID-19. While we are still technically “open,” the vast majority of services and buildings are closed to the public as we transition to a remote work and learning environment.
During this time, the only personnel, including faculty and staff, who are engaged in “essential functions” for the academic and business continuity of the District are required to come to their workplace using social distancing guidelines.
For now, these essential services are defined as follows:
We have shifted rapidly into a remote work and learning environment where there will be a minimum of essential functions with personnel on each campus and the District Office. Please check-in with your supervisor to make arrangements to recover any personal items or necessary materials at your office in order to work remotely.
We will continue to keep you informed through our website,, telephone, Zoom and emails. We are reviewing the health orders now for additional clarification, but the orders become effective by midnight.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the College Presidents and our Executive Team, thank you for your patience and professionalism as we navigate together through this fluid public health emergency. I am extremely proud of how we have risen to meet these unprecedented challenges.
Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
March 19, 2020
Please note the following announcements from ELAC Libraries:
There are a variety of different resources for you to use to continue your education during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Students can get access to eTextbooks, Adobe Creative Suite, and Charter internet to assist with the upcoming transition to online only instruction.
There are also the following updates from the ELAC Library:
To support the sudden move to online learning, many major publishers are making eTextbooks freely available through May 25, 2020. These eTextbooks are available through an application called VitalSource. They include books used in GE courses like Math 125, Math 227, Math 261, Health 11, Anatomy 1, Biology 3, and more.
Students and faculty can login to the VitalSource Bookshelf app using their school email address and can add up to 7 eTextbooks to their account from participating publishers at no cost. Once you have downloaded the app and created an account, you can also access the eTextbook resources online through a browser at
For more information about how to get started with VitalSource visit their Help or FAQ page. You can also view a step-by-step guide about accessing Vital Source books online put together by Aleah Kropholler of Cabrillo College.
Adobe Creative Suite
Adobe is currently giving at home Creative Cloud Suite access to students who currently have access to the Creative Cloud via an on campus lab until May 31, 2020. More information on how ELAC students can access this will be coming in the next day or two.
Free Charter Internet
Students also can have access to free internet from Charter. Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps.
To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
March 17, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
You may have received email late last night stating that the scheduled in-person trainings have been canceled in order to mitigate the spread of Corona virus. We apologize for the late notice but it is necessary to be extra cautious considering our evolving situation In lieu of these trainings, the District has compiled a list of virtual (online) training options below. We are planning to develop additional trainings to support you during this time and will relay any information as it becomes available.
Subject | Time | Led By | ConferZoom Link to Join |
ConferZoom/Canvas Conferences Webconferencing | 9 – 10 am | West | |
Canvas Modules, Files, and Announcements | 9 – 10 am | West | |
Canvas Basics | 9:30 – 11:30 am | Harbor | |
Canvas Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes | 10 - 11 am | Valley | |
Canvas Basics | 10 am – 12 pm | West | |
Canvas Basics | 10 am – 12 pm | West | |
Canvas Course Navigation, Announcements, Settings, and Modules | 11 am – 12 pm | Valley | |
Canvas Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes | 12 – 1 pm | Pierce | |
Canvas Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes | 12:30 - 1:30 | West | |
Canvas Basics | 1 – 3 pm | West | |
Canvas Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes | 1:30 – 2:30 pm | West | |
Canvas Course Navigation, Modules and Settings | 2 – 3 pm | Pierce | |
Canvas Modules, Files, and Announcements | 2:30 – 3:30 pm | West | |
Canvas Basics | 2 – 4 pm | Pierce | |
Canvas Course Navigation, Modules, and Settings | 3:30 – 4:30 pm | West | |
Canvas Course Navigation, Modules, and Settings | 4:30 – 5:30 pm | West | |
ConferZoom / Canvas Conferences (Web-Conferencing) | 5 – 6 pm | West | |
Canvas Basics | 5 – 7 pm | Valley | |
Canvas Basics | 6-8 pm | Southwest | |
March 16, 2020
The Everytable food company has offered a Helpline for any students or individuals struggling with access to food at this time. This is not limited to ELAC students only.
Everytable Helpline: (323) 458 - 6487
- If you are a senior who needs food brought to your home, call us.
- If the food service at your health care center or senior center has been interrupted, call us.
- If your school district is unsure about how your students, families and teachers will eat, call us.
- If you want to ensure your employees have access to healthy meals, call us.
- If you are an individual struggling with access to food during this time, please call us.
- If you need 10 meals or 10,000 meals, call us.
Grab & Go Stores
Our stores will remain open to provide meals for pick up only. We encourage all of our guests to order ahead online and call the store for curbside pick up. Our team will bring your meals to your car when you arrive. We're also encouraging our guests to choose delivery for their one-time orders or subscription service.
As we head towards limited social contact across our city, we want you to know that everyone is always welcome at our table. We will find a way to get you food if you need it. If you want to purchase meals for someone who needs them, we can help you Pay It Forward. We are in this together and we are here for you.
March 16, 2020
Dear Student,
All classes will be suspended from instruction starting this Monday, March 16 through Saturday, March 21. Spring break will move to March 23 – March 29. Therefore, no instruction or in-person student support services will be available for the next two weeks. Instruction will resume on Monday March 30.
Essential safety and health services, such as the student health center, will still provide services next week.
The college will use this time to convert as many courses and student services possible to remote delivery. Also, during this time, we will thoroughly sanitize our facilities.
We apologize for this disruption, but your health and safety is our primary concern at this time of national emergency.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact the college at 323-265-8662. Thank you.
Dr. Raúl Rodríguez
ELAC Interim President
March 13, 2020
The California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) has just made the decision this evening to suspend all athletic competition and contests for the remainder of Spring. This means that effective immediately, all East Los Angeles College teams will cease to continue with their current game, event and practice schedules. This decision was made due to the growing threat of the COVID-19 Corona virus that has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.
The sports world in general has quickly moved to suspend or cancel contests all over in an overall effort to limit public exposure to the virus and to protect athletes from infection as much as possible. On our level, this movement has happened quickly as well: as of this past Tuesday morning, we were finalizing hotel plans for school officials that had planned to attend the CCCAA Basketball championships that was scheduled in Lemoore this weekend. But early that afternoon, we began to hear word that attendance in Lemoore would be restricted to just the participating teams, coaches, and trainers. No fans, no students, no school officials. This decision was confirmed later that day via a release on the CCCAA site.
We were initially disappointed to not be able to join our men's basketball team to support them on their championship quest, but still the same, we saw them off this morning at 9am on their charter bus to Lemoore.
They only made it halfway before having to turn around...
At around 11:15am today, we received word that the State championship was cancelled. And soonafter, we began to hear whispers that all CCCAA-sanctioned Spring sporting events would soon be affected. Some time after 7pm tonight we received word via an email from Keith Curry, President of the CCCAA Executive Board, that the CCCAA Board of Directors "...voted to postpone indefinitely, practices outside of regularly scheduled classes, and competition for all spring sports and those sports in their nontraditional seasons".
ELAC Athletics
March 12, 2020
ELAC Corona virus Town Hall
ELAC Interim President Dr. Raúl Rodríguez and LACCD Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez are joined by two special guest speakers from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to host a town hall meeting to address concerns about the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
From: Vice President of Academic Affairs Ruben Arenas
March 12, 2020
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to provide an update to our Academic Continuity Plan and its implementation. As of Wednesday, March 18th, we will be moving all class sections that do not require in-person interaction online. Although there have been no confirmed cases of infection within the LACCD, we are following the lead of sister institutions and limiting the number of students who will be on campus out of an abundance of caution. We must stress that both the Monterey Park and South Gate campuses remain open – we will simply be moving the majority of instruction online.
A full list of sections that will not be transitioning to the online modality will be made available by tomorrow (Friday) evening. This list will be sent to students, but we ask the help of instructors and staff in further communicating this important information to students.
Monday, March 16th, and Tuesday, March 17th, will be non-instructional days so that faculty may come on campus to receive Canvas and Zoom training. No classes will meet on Monday and Tuesday of next week, including dual enrollment and offsite sections.
We want to thank each of you for your patience and cooperation during this difficult time. We want to be clear that we do not have all the answers, but with so many of you stepping up to help and support our students and our colleagues we will surely get through this together.
The remainder of this message details critical information for the Monday and Tuesday training days as well as some information for what will occur during the period the College is primarily offering classes online. Please read this entire message in its entirety.
Julie Benavides, Vice President, Student Services
Dr. Armida Ornelas, Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Ruben Arenas, Vice President, Liberal Arts and Sciences
Monday, March 16th, and Tuesday, March 17th, are non-instructional days that are being set aside for faculty training in Canvas and Zoom. Training will be provided from 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM on both days in the Language Lab and the Learning Assistance Center located in the E3 building. Faculty are welcome to come in at any time and do not need to make an appointment. Distance education experts will be on-hand to work with faculty individually and in-groups. All nine colleges will be hosting similar trainings on Monday and Tuesday, and faculty are welcome to attend at whichever college they prefer. (Please call Academic Affairs at the local college for training locations.) Trainings will emphasize the use of Zoom within Canvas for synchronous (“live”) instruction, but other topics such as how to give quizzes and assignments, how to upload content, and how to moderate class discussions will also be covered.
If you answer “No” to any of the following questions you should come in for training:
1. Put your course materials online
Yes | No | Question |
I have a Canvas course for each of my courses that contains the most current course information. | ||
I have a way to distribute assignments to my students online through the Canvas course site. | ||
I use audio or video materials in class, and I know how to share these with my students. | ||
I use the Canvas LMS to make materials available to my students. |
2. Establish channels of communication with your students and colleagues
Yes | No | Question |
My students know how to contact me remotely if they have a question. | ||
I have a way to facilitate discussion with groups of students remotely. | ||
Students have a way to contact each other and collaborate online. |
3. Establish ways to conduct your class at a distance
Yes | No | Question |
My students can read, listen to, and/or watch my lectures online. | ||
My students can turn in homework and take exams online. | ||
I have a way to respond to student work and securely publish grades online. | ||
I know how to submit final grades to the Registrar online. |
4. Set up remote access to important resources
Yes | No | Question |
I have a computer or laptop at home that has the software and Internet connectivity I need to work remotely. |
As stressed above, both ELAC campuses remain open even though most classes are moving online. Services such as the Library, tutoring, supplemental instruction, Admissions and Records, and the SPARC Center will remain open. Classified staff, student workers, administrators, and department chairs should continue to come to campus as usual. During this period of transition, we can expect that many of our students and faculty will have questions, so it is important that we all make ourselves available so that we can help them with kindness and sensitivity.
We recognize that not all students will have access to computers and Wi-Fi at home. For this reason, we are designating a number of spaces on both campuses where students can come in and take their online classes using college computers. These spaces are:
- The Library (Monday – Thursday, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and Sunday 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.)
All other spaces will be open Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., and Friday 9:00 – 4:00 p.m.
- The Writing Center
- The Language Lab
- The Math Lab
- E7 4th floor – Rooms 405, 406, 415, 416, and 418
- The South Gate Center Library
- South Gate Room 122
Additional staff will be on-hand in these locations to assist students as needed. Given the need for social distancing, students will be spaced one computer apart from each other. We are also limiting capacity in large spaces to no more than 100 individuals, including staff, at any one time.
By limiting to these locations our facilities and operations staff will be much better able to provide targeted sanitization services throughout the day.
LACCD will activate an Online Learning Call Center to help students and faculty with specific online education questions or concerns. The Online Learning Call Center will be open starting Wednesday, March 18th, and will operate from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, using the toll free number: (844) MyLACCD or (844) 695-2223.
Offsite classes will continue as planned as long as those locations remain open to ELAC. This includes dual enrollment classes at middle and high schools, adult education classes at community centers, and clinical classes.
Information Technology is in the process of making an emergency purchase of webcams for instructor use. Any instructor who needs one can sign one out from Academic Affairs beginning Monday afternoon. If possible, departments should consider setting up webcams for department adjunct spaces that can be used by any faculty in the department.
We anticipate that even with all the above measures that some students will not be able to participate in either a face-to-face class or a class that has been converted to the online modality. We are asking instructors to encourage those students to visit the SPARC Center, located in the Student Services building near the Admissions Office, so that staff can help them to assess their best options for completing the semester.
Instructors and staff may not exclude or remove students from class or services even if they appear ill. You may suggest that the student visit our campus Student Health Center, which remains open. We hope that all faculty and staff will treat all our students with sensitivity during this difficult time.
Office hours may proceed on campus or via Canvas at the instructor’s discretion. However an instructor chooses, the required number of office hours still need to be completed each week.
The DSPS Office continues to be open and serving students. Test-taking and other accommodations will continue to be coordinated through that office.
At the discretion of the supervising vice president, midterm exams and other high-stake exams for courses moved online may be administered on campus during the usual class meeting period and in the usual classroom. Requests to offer a midterm on campus should be made to your chair at least three working days prior to the exam. Your chair will communicate requests in batches to the dean and VP for a decision. Quizzes and other lower value assessments should proceed online.
Faculty evaluations will be put on hold until at least April 13th. The Administration and AFT 1521 will discuss how to move forward once normal operations resume.
Departments can continue to meet as normal, as long as no more than 100 individuals are gathering in a single space. We are cancelling club meetings until at least April 13th.
Athletics events will continue to proceed as normal with no restrictions on the number of spectators present.
Artistic performances may continue as planned with a limit of 100 tickets issued to spectators.
A message that is specific to students will be sent out soon after this message. That message will be blind copied to all faculty and staff so that you are aware of what students are being told, and so that you can help support them if they have questions.
Instructors--Resources for Using Canvas
Options for Synchronous (Real-Time) Interaction through Web-Conferencing
March 10, 2020
To the LACCD Community,
The health and safety of our campus communities, including our students, faculty, staff and visitors, is a top priority. It is important for you to know that our status as of today, and for tomorrow, March 11, 2020, is:
LACCD Corona virus Website and Social Media Information
The latest information available for the LACCD community related to corona virus and COVID-19 is now available online at:
All of the websites for the nine colleges will point to this one page for the same information to be shared by all. The website will be updated as frequently as possible. Additional information is being posted to the District’s main social media accounts.
LACCD Corona virus Hotline Information
If you wish to report an issue or ask a question about corona virus or COVID-19 related to the District or the colleges, you can call our new hotline telephone number.
The information hotline is (213) 221-5112
Please leave your name and phone number, your question or the nature of your call and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
If you prefer, you can contact the District by email at: @email
Lastly, if you want to report something specific to your college, call your college’s Office of the President.
COVID-19 Response Team
LACCD leadership has been meeting daily to monitor and plan for any responses needed to COVID-19/Coronavirus. Last week, the District formally established a COVID-19 Response Team, representing and working collaboratively with various LACCD constituencies. This extensive work is in alignment with the direction of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
Prevention and Hygiene
LACDPH Health Officers continue to recommend:
Alternative/Remote Learning Delivery
LACCD and our colleges are moving forward with plans for alternative/remote learning delivery if necessary due to this public health emergency. With cooperation and support from our District Academic Senate and the Faculty Guild, LACCD is preparing to use Canvas, our content management system, to provide remote instruction. We will have more to announce about this very soon.
Los Angeles Pierce College
Out of an abundance of caution, Los Angeles Pierce College and District officials have been in regular contact with five Pierce College students regarding their health status. The students recently attended the AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C. where two attendees from New York and one from Los Angeles have since tested positive for COVID-19.
NONE of the positive cases involved our students. Our students were not contacted by LACDPH to self-quarantine or isolate. LACDPH has said there is NO risk of public exposure from this L.A. county case and we have no directive from health officials that our students are at risk or should be quarantined. Our students report they are healthy and they are self-monitoring per the official guidelines from health officials. Our students have been advised they can self-quarantine and have been offered our full support.
All non-essential travel has been suspended for all senior level administrators, including the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, College Presidents, District Senior Staff and College Deans. The District is in consultation now about expanding this suspension to all LACCD personnel and students. An updated announcement will be made as soon as possible. Meanwhile, if you are sick for any reason, health officials urge you not to travel.
All events and event protocols are under review for all public gatherings at the colleges and District facilities. Most events are currently proceeding, but the situation is dynamic and changing. Should community spread of COVID-19 become more widespread in Los Angeles County, the Public Health Officer for the County of Los Angeles has the legal authority to close facilities and cancel events. More information about events within LACCD will be made as soon as possible.
Thank you for the continued steps that you are taking to protect your own health and the health of the LACCD community. We will continue to provide you with detailed messages. Please check the website,
Please feel free to share this message.
William H. Boyer
Director of Communications & External Relations
MARCH 10, 2020 -- Updates to the page will be posted
Officials from the District and all nine colleges are working together, in conjunction with local public health authorities and all appropriate state and federal agencies, regarding response plans should the corona virus and COVID-19 outbreak impact LACCD.
Students, faculty and staff are advised to follow the current travel advice from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) announced March 9, 2020 that there are now 16 confirmed cases of corona virus within its jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. The City of Long Beach Public Health also said on March 9 that it now has three confirmed cases, bringing the total to 19 cases out of a population of more than 10 million people in the county.
Date Updated 3/6/2020 - L.A. Marathon
Many of us in the LACCD Community will be participating in the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon (and/or its associated events) this weekend, either as runners or spectators/supporters. The L.A. County Department of Public Health—our official source of information and guidance on all things corona virus and COVID-19—has NOT ordered the cancellation of the event. The event(s) will go on as planned.
PLEASE NOTE / EYES ON THIS --- The L.A. County Department of Public Health has issued official guidance / guidelines for runners and spectators. Please see the attached official public health information. Please share with anyone within the LACCD community, including students, as please feel free to share with family, neighbors or other colleagues as appropriate.
Here are the highlights:
Spectators Public Health recommends that spectators who are sick with even mild illness remain at home. Those planning to attend should engage in social distancing – a term used to stop or slow the spread of a contagious disease – and keep a distance of at least 6 feet between you and another person who is not your family member or friend. Please do not share food or water bottles, avoid shaking hands, and frequently wash hands or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, particularly before eating, after using the restroom and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Runners For runners planning to participate in the marathon, if you feel sick even with mild illness on the day of the marathon, please do not participate. The recommendations are that you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to the start of the race, and do not shake hands with other participants or the public along the course. Please do not share water or food with other runners and frequently use hand sanitizer provided to you along the course.
For more public health information go to:
William H. Boyer
Director of Communications & External Relations
Date Updated: 02/27/2020
COVID-19 Update for LACCD Faculty, Staff and Students
We want to provide you with updated information on the Novel Corona virus, now referred to as COVID-19. Please share this information with all students, faculty and staff at your college.
Federal, state and local health experts together with government leaders continue to closely monitor and respond to the situation in California and the nation regarding COVID-19. It is important for everyone to stay informed; use common sense and not overreact.
Currently, the health risk to the general public from COVID-19 remains low in the U.S., including in California, according to top medical officials from the Centers for Disease Control, California’s Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
As of February 27, 2020, there are nine (9) confirmed cases in California, plus 24 additional cases among the Americans who are currently quarantined here from the “repatriation flights” that occurred earlier this month, according to the state Health Department.
One of the nine cases in California occurred this week in Northern California, possibly of an undetermined transmission origin, and remains under investigation.
Health officials continue to advise the best prevention strategy is similar to fighting a cold, including:
Frequently wash hands with soap and water
Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or tissues
Stay home from work or school if you are sick; avoid others who are sick with a respiratory illness
Avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
The President of the United States and California’s Governor both held public briefings this week with health officials to reaffirm these additional key message points, including:
Individual risks in the U.S. remain low, but it is likely we will see more cases here in the near future
Now is the time for all of us to prepare—at home and work—should the situation become worse
Stay informed (see links below)
Cases of COVID-19 have been reported in many countries, this is not a virus exclusive only to Chinese or Asian people
There continues to be no recommendation to wear masks in public settings; the use of masks is a personal choice. Currently, there are no school closures ordered in California or the rest of the U.S.; no health orders to cancel public events and no widespread quarantines.
LACCD and the nine colleges, meanwhile, are also actively monitoring the situation and updating our emergency response plans due to possible disruptions from a widespread outbreak of COVID-19. Preparing on a personal level is similar to preparing for any emergency. Make sure you have enough extra food, water, medicines and other emergency supplies for everyone in your household, including pets, for at least a week.
In addition, health officials remind everyone to still get a seasonal flu shot if you have not done so already and to make sure you have pre-identified a primary care physician to call first if you or a household member gets sick. Health officials also caution the public not to fall prey to rumors and unofficial speculation circulating on the Internet and social media platforms. Instead, stay informed by regularly checking these official public health websites:
L.A. County Department of Public Health
L.A. County Department of Public Health Guidance for Schools
Multi language outreach for schools
California Department of Public Health
California Department of Public Health Guidance for Schools and School District
Centers for Disease Control -