ELAC High School Initiatives - Admission Requirements
Many college credit dual enrollment courses are weighted the same as honors and advanced placement courses when grade point averages are calculated. See your high school guidance counselor for details. State universities are not required to weight dual enrollment credit in calculating grade point averages for admission.
Concurrent enrollment is a program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn college or vocational credit toward a postsecondary diploma, certificate, or degree. The dual enrollment program is an opportunity to take challenging courses and accelerate education opportunities. Students who successfully complete dual enrollment courses will save time toward their college degree and save money with free tuition and textbooks.
Before participating in concurrent enrollment students should consult their high school guidance counselor to check how dual enrollment courses will apply to high school graduation and scholarships. Students should also check with a college advisor to ensure these dual enrollment courses will apply toward a degree program.
Students should understand that concurrent enrollment courses are college courses. The amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses may be much greater than in high school courses.
In addition, dual enrollment courses become a part of a student's permanent college transcript. It is important to students' entire college careers that they do well in dual enrollment courses.
Students should be able to answer yes to most of the following questions:
- Do you enjoy reading beyond the assigned textbook content?
- Do you feel comfortable missing a high school activity in order to learn something new?
- Do you budget time well?
- Do you begin long-term projects well before they are due?
- Do you leave friends or games or parties and spend time alone teaching yourself new information?
- Do you know how to create a word processed file, to save a file for electronic transfer, and to attach files to e-mail?
- Do you often want more detailed or more philosophical review of course content? Do you plan to earn a college degree or college-level certification in a technical area?
- Do you work in addition to going to school but still feel that you'd like to learn and to do more ?
Courses offered under Dual Enrollment are postsecondary courses; therefore, all assignments and exams will be college-level and will be graded on a college-level basis in accordance with all appropriate ELAC policies.
Concurrent Enrollment is the enrollment of students in college classes while still in high school. In order for ELAC to provide concurrent enrollment classes, it is necessary to assure the same standards of instruction as in all other college classes, including academic practices and collegiate learning environment. A three (3) credit hour (semester hour) course is equivalent to 1/2 high school credit.
To be eligible for participation in the Concurrent Enrollment program, students must meet all of the qualifications listed below.
- Generally 10th - 12th grade classification.
- Written notification from the high school signed by a school official.
- Written approval of the student's parent or legal guardian if the student is under 18 years of age.
These courses may be taken before or after school or during the summer at the college.
It depends on the course, if it is credit or non-credit and it depends on the transferring university if they include it in their general education pattern or if the transferring colleges department in which you are majoring has the course identified in their pattern of study. You can check at www.assist.org
Concurrent enrollment college credit will transfer to any public college or university offering that course with the same prefix and number and must be treated as though taken at the receiving institution. However, upon high school graduation if students do not attend the same college or university where they earned the dual enrollment credit the application of transfer credit to general education, prerequisite, and degree programs may vary at the receiving institution.
HRSI Resources
Dr. Alberto J. Román
President, East Los Angeles College