Graduation FAQs
Yes, you may invite as many guests as you would like. Seating is available on a first-come first-serve basis and is limited to stadium capacity. We cannot guarantee the availability of seats.
Your name will appear as we have it in the Student Information System. If you have legally changed your name and would like to update your records, please contact Admissions & Records.
Updates will be available on the ELAC graduation webpage.
Students can apply for graduation by making an appointment to meet with a counselor. During the appointment, the counselor will evaluate all student records and determine if all necessary requirements have been, or are in the process of being, met.
Students should have a graduation petition processed in the semester in which their last required coursework is being completed. If the student’s last required coursework will be taken in the summer term, students may participate in the college’s graduation ceremony but will not be able to apply for graduation until the summer term. The counseling department processes graduation petitions in all terms except for the winter intersession.
Yes, you are invited to join the 2025 graduation ceremony.
We recommend speaking to the Counseling Department to verify if you are ready to submit a Graduation Petition.
Once your Graduation Petition has been submitted, the next step is to visit the ELAC Graduation webpage for the most up to date information on the graduation ceremony.
Stop by the Student Activities Office (F5-212) to pick up your dean’s/president’s honor cord. Please bring a copy of your unofficial transcripts to show proof.
If you need proof of your degree/certificate now and you know that your Graduation Petition has been processed, you can view and print your unofficial transcript via the student portal. Unofficial Transcripts will include any degrees that have been awarded. If you need official transcripts, please refer to link below for steps on requesting an official transcript.
- View unofficial transcript via the student portal to verify degree has been awarded.
- Check LACCD email for ineligible notification if degree is not posted.
- Reach out to the Admissions & Records Office.
Visit the link below for information on student speaker auditions which take place in May.
If you would like to submit a theme/quote for graduation, please visit the link below where the details will be posted in March.
There is limited accessible seating. Please make sure to attend early as this seating fills up fairly quickly. Accessible seating is located on the south side of the stadium accessible through gates 4-7. If you would like to request special accommodations, please contact the DSP&S Office directly at (323) 265-8787 or @email. Please make your request for special accommodations by the day prior to the ceremony.
Visit the link below for details.
Our ceremony will take place at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at Weingart Stadium, East Los Angeles College, Monterey Park campus.
Degree/Certificates are mailed out 16 weeks after final grades have been posted at the conclusion of the spring (timeframe subject to change).
ELAC College Store will be selling Cap & Gown packages starting mid-March. Students may buy in person or online.