Transfer Services

The ELAC Transfer Center offers a variety of services to guide you throughout your transfer journey. Our services include:
Transfer Counseling
Meet with a counselor to create an educational plan tailored for your major and target transfer schools.
Transfer Application Assistance
Transfer Center staff can help ensure your transfer applications are completed accurately, assist with transfer GPA calculations, and advise on personal insight questions
Transfer Workshops
Workshops are provided year round to assist you with your transfer goals. Topics include: Transfer 101, Financial Aid & Scholarships, Undocumented Transfer Information, UC TAG & more!
University Rep Visits
Meet with admissions representatives from 4-year universities through 1-on-1 appointments to get your transfer questions answered. To schedule an appointment with a representative, email for schedule.
College Fairs
Attend our college fairs to meet representatives from UCs, CSUs, private & out-of-state colleges and learn more about your transfer options.
University Tours
Join us on a tour to various UC, CSU, and private colleges. Free transportation is provided.
Transfer Student Success Conference
This one day conference features a Transfer Student Panel and a variety of workshop topics presented by UC, CSU, & private college representatives to help you prepare for the transfer process.
Transfer Guarantee Programs
The ELAC Transfer Center can advise you on the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program, which offers eligible students to apply for a transfer guarantee to one of 6 participating UC campuses. Visit the UC Requirements page for more information.
Transfer guarantee programs also exist with participating private schools and HBCU's. Visit the Private & Out of State Requirements page for more information.
Transfer Workshops
Live Online Workshops
Pre-recorded Workshops
Text Reminders
Sign up for Transfer Center text reminders
Text "@ELACTC" to the number 81010 or (901) 466-8785