Child Development Permit Information
Need help obtaining a Child Development Permit?
Please contact Professor Caroline Jen ELAC's Child Development Permit Specialist!
Caroline Jen: @email
Online Zoom and Email assistance available - Please email for an appointment.
Fall 2021 hours are flexible Monday - Friday to meet your needs.
Please read the following information as ELAC can support you in your permit application, but cannot officially grant it to you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Credential/ Permit fee (initial, not renewal) is waived between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022
View the flyer below to see how ELAC's Certificate Programs align with California's Childcare Permit Matrix

Click here to view the Flyer in PDF Accessible version.
Official Transcripts
Official transcripts are a requirement for most documents issued by the Commission. In order for transcripts to be considered official they must be:
- Printed on security paper directly and/or displaying an official raised seal from the college or university, per the institutions standard practice.
- If the college or university uses a transcript clearinghouse agency for printed transcript copies, these must include a cover letter identifying the degree granting institution and show that the physical transcript copy was mailed directly to the educator.
- Electronic transcripts submitted directly to the Commission from a digital credential service are considered official transcripts. The Commission currently accepts these direct transmissions from eScrip-Safe and Parchment.
Additionally, the following applies to all official transcripts regardless of format:
- Printed transcripts do not need to be kept in a sealed envelope. Opened transcripts are accepted so long as they follow the guidance listed here.
- Transcripts must be issued from a regionally-accredited college or university. Further information can be found under Regional Accreditation Information.
Acceptable Coursework and Degree Information
- When meeting a degree requirement, the official transcripts must clearly display the conferral date of the degree. It may also be listed as a degree granted date, or a degree issued date.
- Matriculation date is not the same as the conferral date. If a transcript only shows a matriculation date for a program it will not qualify as evidence of earning a degree. Similarly, if a transcript lists the program name and the date of enrollment into the program, this is not evidence of degree conferral.
- Any coursework submitted for evaluation must be non-remedial and be passed with a grade of C or better.
- Coursework that is designated as “Pass” or “Credit” in lieu of a letter grade is acceptable as long as the student earned degree-applicable units for the course.

- Graduation Video
- Link Tree
- CFES Lab Appointments
- AJCC Job Interest Form
- Free Childcare Courses
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