Fast-Track Programs
SKILLS CERTIFICATE - Associate Teacher
Skill Certificate Associate Teacher: Teacher - Certificate 1
This first certificate of the Child Development program is designed for students who wish to become a teacher in an Early Childhood Program. The certificate meets Title 22 and 5 guidelines. Requires 50 days (of at least 3 hours per day) teaching experience supervised by a full-time permitted and/or credentialed teacher in an approved and licensed ECE setting. Experience can be paid and/or volunteer and must be met within the last two years from the date of certificate application submission.
Program Goals
This first certificate of the Child Development program is designed for students who wish to become a teacher in an Early Childhood Program.
The certificate meets Title 22 and 5 guidelines. Requires 50 days (of at least 3 hours per day) teaching experience supervised by a full-time permitted and/or credentialed teacher in an approved and licensed ECE setting. Experience can be paid and/or volunteer and must be met within the last two years from the date of certificate application submission.
Subject & No. | Course Units | |
CH DEV 001 Child Growth and Development | Students examine the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There is an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. | 3 |
CH DEV 002 Early Childhood: Principles and Practices | The student will explore the history of early childhood education as well as current philosophies and practices. Early Childhood programs will be observed and examined in relation to the needs of the child, the arrangement of the environment and the role of the teacher. | 3 |
CH DEV 011 Home, School, and Community Relations | An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. | 3 |
and one course form the following: (3 units) | ||
CH DEV 3 | Creative Experiences for Children I | 3 |
CH DEV 4 | Creative Experiences for Children II | 3 |
Total: | 12 |
Certificate of Achievement - Gerontology/Health
This certificate is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students to pursue entry level employment servicing the aging population and provide the fundamentals needed to work in the healthcare industry. This program is designed to prepare students for employment in the field of gerontology to support the needs, interests, abilities, and issues of the aging population.
Program Goals
The Gerontology/Health Certificate of Achievement is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students to pursue entry level employment servicing the aging population and provide the fundamentals needed to work in the healthcare industry. Professionals can be employed in a variety of settings, including private business, government, nonprofits, and healthcare settings.
Gerontology topics include the processes of aging from conception to death, the challenges associated with an aging and aged society, including wellness and nutrition. Biological, sociological, and psychological aspects of aging are explored.
Healthcare topics focus on competencies required of healthcare providers, such as HIPAA, Professionalism/ Ethics, Diversity/Cultural Awareness, Teamwork, Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution, Customer Service, Safe Practice/Infection Control, Medical Terminology, and First Aid Skill Set.
The emphasis of this program is to provide quality care and safety to the older-adult and across the continuum of care from wellness to illness. This program is designed to prepare students for employment in the field of aging to support the needs, interests, abilities, and issues of the aging population in California.
Subject & No. | Course Units | |
FAM &CS 006 Challenges of Aging | This course is an analysis of the developmental changes, social problems, and specific needs of the older adult in the interdisciplinary study of gerontology. The course includes an investigation of everyday situations with emphasis on consumerism, housing, health, nutrition, community resources, and changing family roles. The course combines academic research with an empathetic view of the lives of older people to involve students emotionally and intellectually in the material while reinforcing experiential learning. | 3 |
FAM &CS 021 NutritionCourse Description | This course reviews scientific concepts of nutrition relating to the functioning of nutrients in the basic life processes. It includes an overview of digestion and metabolism of nutrients. Foods are discussed as a source of nutrients, and the evidence is reviewed as to the effects of nutrition on health. The emphasis of the course is on issues of current interest and on worldwide problems of food nutrition. Personal dietary assessment, synthesizing data from computerized dietary program and family tree, appraises nutritional disease risk factors. Students evaluate excesses and deficiencies and construct practices that establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle and result in a healthier mind, healthier nutritional eating practices, enhancing the spirit and nourishing the body | 3 |
FAM &CS 091 Life ManagementCourse Description | This course provides individuals with skills for understanding and using internal and external resources to function effectively in the present and in future society. Students learn techniques for improving self-understanding and interpersonal relationships that reflect decision-making, time, energy, stress, and conflict and money management. | 3 |
HLTHOCC 062 Skill Set for Health Care ProfessionalCourse Description | This course is an introduction of the concepts and skills that serve as a foundation for the health care professions. Topics include hygiene and safety, infection control, basic client monitoring and basic first aid, therap | 2 |
HLTHOCC 063 Basic Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology and PharmacologyCourse Description | This basic medical language course discusses common diseases and injuries and their pharmacological treatment using medical terminology in English and Spanish, when appropriate | 2 |
HLTHOCC 064 Cultural and Legal Topics for Health CareCourse Description | This course provides an overview of the concepts of health and illness, cultural diversity, and legal issues that affect the health care professional. | 1 |
HLTHOCC 065 Fundamentals for the Health CareCourse Description | This course explores career options in the health care industry, healthy behavior for health care workers, work ethics, professional resumes and interviewing skills, and personality traits of a health care professional. Students participate in an externship during which area employers introduce students to direct and indirect patient care opportunities. | 2.5 |
Total: | 16.5 |
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