Physics Department
Welcome to Physics Department

The Physics Department provides students who have wide range of career choices an outstanding learning experience in which they acquire strong analytical, quantitative, and problem solving skills with a deep appreciation of the role physics plays in modern scientific and technical advancements, and fosters curiosity and excitement about science and technology.
Are you fascinated by how the universe works or the structure of materials? Physics is the study of the nature and properties of matter and energy from tiny sub-atomic particles to vast galaxies and has applications in cutting-edge technology such as medical imaging and laser communication systems, which are tools in the war against cancer and other diseases. The work of physicists made possible the microprocessors that are in your laptops, smart phones, and video game consoles. It explains what makes stars bright, the earth solid, the sky blue and gold shiny.
A course in physics can be the beginning of a career in science or an important building block for another profession. It will give you a powerful and beautiful way to look at and understand the world around you. It will teach you how to think, observe things and ask questions. If you choose to study physics, you could be among the next generation of revolutionary thinkers in the field like Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Erwin Schrodinger, Sir Isaac Newton, Max Planck, Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie, Annie Jump Cannon and many others. In the ELAC physics department, we pride ourselves on being a friendly department and offer a distinctive environment for studying physics.