#CaliforniansForAll College Corps


College Corps Logo


East Los Angeles College was selected as one of 45 partner campuses to participate in the new statewide #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program that aims to engage undergraduate students in solving problems in their communities while also learning key skills that will advance their own academic and career success.

East Los Angeles College Corps  will pair students with community-based organizations that focus on pressing issues in K-12 education, climate action, and food insecurity in the eastern region of Los Angeles County.

The main purposes for the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps is to Engage our students in meaningful service opportunities that build leadership skills and civic responsibility and help students from diverse backgrounds graduate college on time with less debt and support the work of community-based organizations focused on key local priorities

To qualify for the Californians For All College Corps, Applicants must have the following:

  • Have completed a high school diploma or its equivalent (I.e., GED) by the beginning of 2024-2025
  • Be enrolled full time for the academic year as an undergraduate student attending ELAC
  • No minimum GPA required, but students must be in remaining good academic standing
  • Ability to commit to the program for the full academic year (2024-2025) and commit to services from August 2024-June 2025 (10-15 Hours/week)
  • Be able to provide documentation of resident status as a U.S. Citizen, National, or lawful permanent resident or AB 540 recipient

Applications Now Open for 2024-2025 Cohort!

ELAC College Corps Applications now open to all students,  click the link bellow :
2024-2025 College Corps Fellow Application

For additional information and updates, check out our Social Media
@ElacCollegeCorps or email us directly cerezoc@elac.edu


Your organization can benefit in the following ways:

  • 15 hours / week of direct support provided by Fellows over one academic year.
  • Connections to higher education institutions in your community.
  • Access to training and networking opportunities provided by partner campuses and California Volunteers.

Community host organizations should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Non-profit or governmental organization.
  • Work in one of the 3 program Focus Areas: K-12 Education, Climate Action, Food Insecurity.
  • Ability to host at least two Fellows, and to provide all Fellows on site with effective training, mentoring and supervision to meet the goal of providing meaningful work experience.

If selected, ELAC College Corps Community Partners will have the following responsibilities: 

  • Collaborate with partner campuses to place and train College Corps Fellows.
  • Ensure Fellows meet the 450-hour service requirement while learning practical skills and interacting directly with program beneficiaries.
  • Support partner campuses in tracking Fellow contributions and outcomes.

If you would like to explore a future collaboration, please fill out an Interest Form below.

Partner Interest Form

General Announcements

Due to COVID-19, Career & Job Services only offers remote services, and all in-person services have been suspended until further notice.

Career services are offered through live chat, phone, video-conferencing, and email using platforms such as Cranium Cafe.

Live Chat
11:00am - 1:00pm

ELAC Job Database

College Central services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and allows you to search, save, and instantly apply to opportunities that match your skills and interests. Activate your account today!

Click here for College Central Instructions Guide

College Central Instructions Guide


Contact Information




Email: @email